Stargazing, Hiking & Art
As a local to Joshua Tree once said, “Palm Springs is for tennis, golf and country clubs. If you like stargazing, hiking and music, come to Joshua Tree.”
Lucky for me, I love stargazing, hiking and the desert. Off to Joshua Tree we went to start our California trip. We plan an annual family trip every year as a blended family! The desert is what we all agreed on and we already had ticket to LA since we cancelled our 2020 trip due to covid.
One Day in Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree is for the ‘ain’t no desert hot enough’ hipsters of heart. The sunny, friendly vibes this place gives off make me want to return for a lazy weekend without kids spent reading tarot cards and living amongst the J Trees (which aren’t even trees at all but part of the agave family). Only 2 1/2 hour drive from LA (but took us 4 hours), it’s the perfect respite from city life. We stayed in Twentynine Palms, a desert oasis at the north entrance to Joshua Tree National Park.
The purpose of national parks is land conservation and preservation of natural beauty. This one in particular is just over the size of Rhode Island – so lots to explore by car (requiring lots of fuel in your tank!). The actual National Park is a sight to see – maybe like once every trip here. Lots of Joshua Trees and some boulders. End of list!
Don’t get me wrong – I absolutely LOVED the landscape and J Tree and can’t wait to return. Just know it’s not very varied landscape…but you can fill an afternoon with photo opps. We also drove up to Keys View 360-degree lookout which was incredible - on clear day can see as far as Mexico!
My favorite part of Twentynine Palms was stargazing. The night sky is jam packed with stars and bringing more stars than I have ever seen in my life. It was the perfect desert getaway with the family.
3 days in Palm Springs! An inspirational dessert oasis

Surturban color and design inspiration. It’s a reasonable drive from J Tree and has tons more to do with the family.
Palm Springs stretches out with line after line of low bungalows long palm trees and kidney- shaped pools. There is so much history and culture to this desert oasis! It is full of bright doors and beautiful architecture of mid-century homes. We layed low during the day and planned a bike tour and gondola ride as the sunset.

We around the flat city checking out the historic houses where I took pictures for a mood board for Surturban holiday collection. We also loved just going for walks at sunset (since it was so hot during the day), relax by the pool in the sunshine and admiring all the gorgeous flowers (the bougainvillea are out in full bloom), cactus and palm trees!.