DIY Hair Masks You Need to Try

If you live in a dry climate, have chemically compromised hair or generally struggle with keeping your strands healthy, you are not alone. And it's possible to experience hair loss. Keeping your hair moisturized and healthy can encourage new growth.  

Although store-bought hair masks can seem like a quick and easy fix, there are often too many ingredients that can actually further damage your locks (sulfates, parabens, etc.).

This month, we will share our favorite DIY masks that can be easily made in the comfort of your own kitchen with simple ingredients you may already have on hand. Keep reading to learn how to whip up these hydrating and nourishing recipes for healthier hair.

Rejuvenating Mask

This blend made from avocado, banana and lemon is the perfect umbrella mask, meaning that it suits all hair types and will help nourish compromised roots from the inside out.

  • Start by peeling 1 ripe banana and ½ avocado.
  • Blend or mix together well and follow by squeezing in some fresh lemon juice.
  • Continue to blend until smooth and apply to your hair in sections.
  • Listen to a podcast or read a book while your mask sits for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with cool water and let your hair air dry for best results.


Source: vegamour


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